Service Overview

A consultation with a trained genetic counsellor exploring the benefits and results of screening and diagnostic genetic testing before or during pregnancy like NIPT or PGS

Is this for you?

  • You have had a pregnancy genetic test e.g. NIPT done and want to understand the results
  • Your genetic test results indicate that you have an increased risk of having a child with a disease like Down syndrome
  • You would like to know if you may benefit from a pregnancy genetic test like NIPT
  • You are not sure if you should take a pregnancy genetic test
  • You are considering CVS (chorionic villus sampling) or amniocentesis for a specific genetic condition.
  • Your ultrasound result suggests a possible genetic condition.
  • You already have a child with a genetic condition and are concerned about your current pregnancy.

What will you get?

A better understanding of:

  • What the results of your pregnancy genetic test mean.
  • Genetic risks to your baby, if any.
  • Which genetic tests you should consider.
  • Your options and choices.

Session duration

30 minutes

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